hat.peg - Python parsing expression grammar library¶
This library provides Python implementation of Parsing Expression Grammar parser.
Supported PEG grammar is defined by PEG grammar:
# Hierarchical syntax
Grammar <- Spacing Definition+ EndOfFile
Definition <- Identifier LEFTARROW Expression
Expression <- Sequence (SLASH Sequence)*
Sequence <- Prefix*
Prefix <- (AND / NOT)? Suffix
Suffix <- Primary (QUESTION / STAR / PLUS)?
Primary <- Identifier !LEFTARROW
/ OPEN Expression CLOSE
/ Literal
/ Class
# Lexical syntax
Identifier <- IdentStart IdentCont* Spacing
IdentStart <- [a-zA-Z_]
IdentCont <- IdentStart / [0-9]
Literal <- ['] (!['] Char)* ['] Spacing
/ ["] (!["] Char)* ["] Spacing
Class <- '[' (!']' Range)* ']' Spacing
Range <- Char '-' Char / Char
Char <- '\\' [nrt'"\[\]\\]
/ '\\' 'x' Hex Hex
/ '\\' 'u' Hex Hex Hex Hex
/ !'\\' .
Hex <- [0-9a-fA-F]
LEFTARROW <- '<-' Spacing
SLASH <- '/' Spacing
AND <- '&' Spacing
NOT <- '!' Spacing
QUESTION <- '?' Spacing
STAR <- '*' Spacing
PLUS <- '+' Spacing
OPEN <- '(' Spacing
CLOSE <- ')' Spacing
DOT <- '.' Spacing
Spacing <- (Space / Comment)*
Comment <- '#' (!EndOfLine .)* EndOfLine
Space <- ' ' / '\t' / EndOfLine
EndOfLine <- '\r\n' / '\n' / '\r'
EndOfFile <- !.
hat.peg.Grammar can be initialized with string representation of arbitrary valid PEG grammar. Once instance of this class is initialized, parse method is used for constructing parse tree based on input string data:
class Node(typing.NamedTuple):
name: str
value: typing.List[typing.Union['Node', str]]
class Grammar:
def __init__(self,
definitions: typing.Union[str,
typing.Dict[str, Expression]],
starting: str): ...
def definitions(self) -> typing.Dict[str, Expression]: ...
def starting(self) -> str: ...
def parse(self,
data: str,
debug_cb: typing.Optional[DebugCb] = None
) -> Node: ...
hat.peg.walk_ast is utility function providing simple depth-first abstract syntax tree parser:
Action = typing.Callable[[Node, typing.List], typing.Any]
def walk_ast(node: Node,
actions: typing.Dict[str, Action],
default_action: typing.Optional[Action] = None
) -> typing.Any: ...
Example usage:
import functools
import hat.peg
grammar = hat.peg.Grammar(r'''
Expr <- Sum
Sum <- Product (('+' / '-') Product)*
Product <- Value (('*' / '/') Value)*
Value <- Spacing ([0-9]+ / '(' Expr ')') Spacing
Spacing <- ' '*
''', 'Expr')
ast = grammar.parse('1 + 2 * 3 + (4 - 5) * 6 + 7')
result = hat.peg.walk_ast(ast, {
'Expr': lambda n, c: c[0],
'Sum': lambda n, c: functools.reduce(
(lambda acc, x: acc + x[1] if x[0] == '+' else acc - x[1]),
zip(c[1::2], c[2::2]),
'Product': lambda n, c: functools.reduce(
(lambda acc, x: acc * x[1] if x[0] == '*' else acc / x[1]),
zip(c[1::2], c[2::2]),
'Value': lambda n, c: (c[2] if c[1] == '(' else
assert result == 8
API reference is available as part of generated documentation: